Shipping Information / List of Shipping Charges

Deliveries will be made by our shipping partners DHL

Goods available from stock, paid for by Paypal or COD, will be shipped immediately (by the next working day at the latest).

The order confirmation will show the standard shipping charges.

Deliveries within Europe and Worldwide:

Please refer to the following list for shipping charges, including packing. The usual delivery time In Europe:

DHL Express service (door to door) Shipping times and rates:

Europe – 2-3 working days
USA – 4-5 working days

Canada – 4-5 working days

China – 4-5 working days

Rest of the word – 5 working days

Weight, kg 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 5 zone 6 zone 7 zone 8 zone 9 zone 10 zone
0.5 14.71 17.95 19.89 21.77 24.73 28.85 29.41 31.49 34.51 37.43
1 17.65 21.13 23.67 25.68 28.04 32.81 33.35 36.45 39.93 43.00
1.5 20.36 24.31 27.45 29.53 31.21 36.69 37.23 41.17 45.19 48.27
2 23.07 27.49 31.23 33.37 34.37 40.57 41.10 45.89 50.46 53.53
2.5 25.78 30.66 35.09 37.21 37.53 44.46 44.97 50.61 55.72 58.79
3 28.26 33.06 38.17 40.30 40.06 47.56 48.07 54.41 59.90 63.20
3.5 30.75 35.46 41.26 43.40 42.59 50.67 51.17 58.20 64.08 67.62
4 33.23 37.87 44.35 46.49 45.12 53.78 54.27 62.00 68.26 72.03
4.5 35.71 40.27 47.43 49.58 47.65 56.88 57.37 65.79 72.44 76.44
5 38.19 42.67 50.52 52.67 50.19 59.99 60.47 69.59 76.62 80.86
5.5 40.28 44.76 53.07 55.54 52.40 62.94 63.49 72.77 80.18 84.58
6 42.37 46.85 55.61 58.40 54.61 65.89 66.51 75.94 83.74 88.30
6.5 44.46 48.94 58.16 61.27 56.83 68.84 69.53 79.12 87.31 92.02
7 46.55 51.03 60.71 64.13 59.04 71.79 72.55 82.30 90.87 95.74
7.5 48.64 53.12 63.25 67.00 61.26 74.73 75.57 85.47 94.43 99.46
8 50.73 55.22 65.80 69.86 63.47 77.68 78.59 88.65 98.00 103.18
8.5 52.83 57.31 68.34 72.73 65.68 80.63 81.61 91.83 101.56 106.90
9 54.92 59.40 70.89 75.59 67.90 83.58 84.63 95.00 105.13 110.62
9.5 57.01 61.49 73.44 78.46 70.11 86.53 87.65 98.18 108.69 114.34
10 59.10 63.58 75.98 81.33 72.33 89.48 90.67 101.36 112.25 118.06

*- vat included

Zone 1 – Estonia, Latvia, Poland.

Zone 2 – Sweden, Germany, Finland, Denmark.

Zone 3 – Czech Republic, Spain, Luxembourg, Monaco, The Netherlands, Slovakia, Italy, Ireland.

Zone 4 – Greece, Malta, Slovenia.

Zone 5 – Switzerland, Ukraine, Liechtenstein, Norway.

Zone 6 – Jersey, Faro Islands, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Greenland, Georgia, Iceland, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Izrael.

Zone 7 – USA, Mexico, Canada

Zone 8 – Australia, Japan, China, Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea (South), Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan.

Zone 9 – Bahrain, Egypt, India, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Oman, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.

Zone 10 – Laos, Lesotho, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mayotte, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Morocco, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritius, Mauritania, Micronesia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Montserrat, Mozambique, Namibia, New Caledonia, Nauru, Nepal, Nevis, Nigeria, Niger, Niju, Nicaragua, Burundi, Bhutan, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Dominica, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Falkland Islands, Gabon, Guyana, Ghana, Grenada, Guam, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, IranSaint Vincent, Sierra Leone, Syria, Somaliland (Northern Somalia), Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sri Lanka, Tahiti, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (US), Virgin Islands (UK), Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Standard Shipping (DHL PAKET tracking number available) times and rates:

Europe –5-7 working days

USA – 7-12 working days

Canada – 7-12 working days

China – 8-15 working days

Rest of the word – 8-15 working days

Zone 1 –  Poland

Zone 2 – Germany, Bulgaria,  Cyprus, Czech Republic,  Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,  Slovakia, Slovenia.

Zone -3 Austria, Denmark, UK, Hungary, Estonia

Zone 4 – Ireland, France, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden

Zone 5 – Italy, Spain, Portugal

Zone 6 – Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Romania

For more information about custom shipping options, please contact us at

Weight, kg 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 4 zone 5 zone
to 1 9.99 13.07 13.84 14.61 17.68 22.30
3 10.76 13.84 14.61 15.37 18.45 23.07
10 13.84 16.91 19.99 21.53 26.15 33.84
20 15.37 18.45 21.53 23.07 27.69 36.92
31.5 16.91 23.07 27.69 30.76 38.46 49.23

*- vat included